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car free day中文是什么意思

用"car free day"造句"car free day"怎么读"car free day" in a sentence


  • 国际无车日
  • 无车日


  • Every september 22 is a " car free day " in many countries around the world
    每年的9月22日在世界很多国家是“无车日” 。
  • Every september 22 is a " car free day " in many countries around the world
    在世界各地的许多国家每9月22日是一个"无车日" 。
  • Every september 22 is a " car free day " in many countries around the world
  • Every september 22 is a " car free day " in many countries around the world
    世界上大多数国家都将每年的9月22日定位“无车日” 。
  • Car free day
  • Beijing put 200 more buses on the city ' s streets on saturday for the convenience of citizens who left their cars at home to support " car free day "
  • Beijing put 200 more buses on the city ' s streets on saturday for the convenience of citizens who left their cars at home to support " car free day "
  • Beijing put 200 more buses on the city ' s streets on saturday for the convenience of citizens who left their cars at home to support " car free day "
  • Beijing put 200 more buses on the city ' s streets on saturday for the convenience of citizens who left their cars at home to support " car free day "
  • Beijing put 200 more buses on the city ' s streets on saturday for the convenience of citizens who left their cars at home to support " car free day "
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
用"car free day"造句  


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